a response to the following:Provide a brief overview of the job description and the requirements, including previous work experience(s) (if needed) and/or any particular skills (e.g., research) and other preferences (e.g., bilingual). Also give the salary range if provided. Share the URL webpage link for the actual job opening so that your colleagues can go directly to the posting for the job.Important Note: Be sure that the job opening you report on states within the description requirements that the employer is seeking someone who has earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology; and is not a job that requires an advanced degree, such as master’s or doctorate (Ph.D.) degree. (e.g. avoid discussing a job for a Clinical Psychologist, or School Psychologist, as these jobs require and an advanced degree.) Identify which of the job requirements you presently possess. Other than obtaining a bachelor’s degree in psychology, which of the other requirements would you need to obtain? In addition to noting job requirements you currently possess; briefly list a few initial steps you would take to obtain the skills or competencies required for the job that you do not currently possess. Analyze and discuss the pros and cons of this job as they relate to your lifestyle. Consider variables such as salary, geographic location, work hours, etc. Explain why you envision yourself in this position. Review the Callahan et al. (2012) article and discuss how this employment opportunity could potentially lead you to contribute to Walden’s mission of positive social change.Note: Be sure to support the responses within your initial Discussion assignment post (and in your colleague reply) with information obtained from the assigned Learning Resources, including a Reference list for sources used. For information regarding how your Discussion assignment will be evaluated, please review the Grading Rubric located in the Course Information area of the course.Respond to your colleagues by Day 5.Note: You are required to create a thread for your initial discussion post before you will be able to view other colleague’s postings in this forum.
a response to the following: Provide a brief overview of the job description and the requirements, including previous work experience(s) (if needed) and/or any particular skills (e.g., research) and o