This assignment should consist of 2 separate sections
Teaching Leadership
scoring guide icon Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
A great debate continues on whether leadership can be learned or if it is something someone is born with. Consider whether or not you believe the kind of leadership necessary for leading and inspiring the participants in a community collaboration can be taught to a public administrator? What does your conclusion mean for how we in public administration approach community projects? Remember to ground this discussion in theory, returning to sources you used in prior leadership courses to add support to your position. As always, cite your sources according to APA guidelines.
In the second discussion of Unit 2, you were asked to assess your own role as a leader in a collaborative effort. Based on further reflection, how would you now relate your role as a public manager in a community collaboration? How do you ensure that you are serving and not steering? How will you work effectively across silos and remove barriers to organizational collaboration? Include in your assessment your communication style and skills, and any adjustments you feel you would need to make