
Campaign Analysis

Topic: Campaign AnalysisOrder Description*Using critical and argumentative analysis skills, write a structured essay assessing the effectiveness of a specific propaganda or activist campaign. My chose campaign is the Free Tibet campaign, specifically focus on the uprising in 2008 Beijing Olympic. I have attached an article (The Beijing Olympics and the campaign for a free Tibet) that discuss about this issue. We define a campaign as an organised attempt to influence public opinion, for a particular purpose, using the media. Please read the article “Propaganda-analysis-a-case-study” in the file attached. This is a very close essay samples that I want my essay to be like, so read this article and try to follow how they analyse a campaign.*Each Campaign Analysis will need to be supported by rigorous academic research and referencing, please use at least 10 academic references, and include at least 2 readings from the files that I attached).*You might use this assignment to reflect on some of the following topics: media and power; the roleof the public sphere in a liberal or authoritarian society; the relationship between broadcast andparticipatory media; democracy; the political economy of the media; transparency; protest. (please remember this, very important to reflect some of the topics here)*The structure of the essay must be like this, and please address all the questions here:1. Introduction: Why is this important, how is it relevant to the unit, what do you hope to achieve?(Unit learning outcomesOn successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:1. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the role and importance of communication technology in shaping, and being shaped by, society and culture=> you should know what roles different kinds of media plays in relation to power in society: does media support powerful interests, or challenge them?2. Demonstrate knowledge of key communication theories;=> you should be able to distinguish between critical and liberal approaches3. Demonstrate basic knowledge of the main technological evolutions in communication and media history;=> you should be able to distinguish between broadcast and network/participatory media4. Demonstrate a preliminary understanding of how communication has been analysed within particular traditions that over time have become increasingly exposed to globalisation=> you should understand how local media reacts and interacts with global issues5. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of communication in modern history.=> you should understand that there are different kinds of societies in the world (totalitarian, authoritarian and pluralist); that these societies can change over time; and that the way tbe media operates as a ‘public sphere’ as ‘propaganda’, etc., is different according to the society and the historical period. For example, the media operated as a propaganda tool of the government in China during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) and in the United States in the lead-up to the Invasion of Iraq (2001-2003), but these are very different societies, historical periods, and forms ofpropaganda.)2. Literature review: Who else has discussed this campaign, or similar ones? What did they say, did they leave anything out? (you can refer to the article “The Beijing Olympics and the campaign for a free Tibet” in the file attached)3. Findings: What documents and methodology did you use for your analysis? What kind of campaignwas it, in what kind of society? What were the aims of the propaganda or activist campaign? Whowas involved, using what techniques? Who was targeted, using which platforms? Was there bias ormisinformation? Remember to justify your assertions.4. Discussion: What were the campaign context, stages, methods, effects, reception, and critiques?How effective was it? Was the propaganda or activist campaign successful? Why or why not?5. Conclusion: How does this relate to wider issues discussed in the unit?6. References: At least 10 (including two from the unit reading list; do not cite lectures or encyclopedias)6. Appendix: Include at least three documents (extracts from articles, images, screenshots etc) whichform the basis for your analysis.

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