
CandideIn what ways does Voltaire critique or satirize religion in Candide? Don QuixoteHow does Don Quixote’s madness affect other characters’ perceptions of realty?

CandideIn what ways does Voltaire critique or satirize religion in Candide? Don QuixoteHow does Don Quixote’s madness affect other characters’ perceptions of realty? How do theymold their actions to fit into his distorted reality? Dorian GrayCompare Dorian’s relationship with Basil to his relationship with Henry. How does eachrelationship affect Dorian and reveal changes in Dorian’s character? King LearIs Lear a sympathetic character? What about Gloucester? How do our impressions of themchange during the course of the play? Brave New WorldIf Aldous Huxley were alive today, what do you think he would have to say about his novel’srelevancy to the modern world? Do you think he would say that we have moved closer to his vision or further away? Why or why not?

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