Choose a particular time in your life, and provide a few sentences of description so I know a little bit about your life at the time you are writing about.1. Define the microsystem.List and explain two of your microsystems.2. Define and explain mesosystems.Explain an example using the microsystems from question 1.3. Define the exosystem.Provide two examples from your life.4. Define the macrosystem level.Note two that impact you.5. Define the chronosystem.6. Give an example of how it impacts your life.Given what you have written above, consider the impacts of:systemic racismincome in equalityeducational inequalityresilienceHow do these factors impact what you wrote above? Write at least one paragraph that addresses these issues.
Choose a particular time in your life, and provide a few sentences of description so I know a little bit about your life at the time you are writing about. 1. Define the microsystem. List and explain