
: Critically evaluate the claim that arranged marriages are an indication of the subordination of women in the cultural groups in which this occurs.

: Critically evaluate the claim that arranged marriages are an indication of the subordination of women in the cultural groups in which this occurs.Order DescriptionIt is anthropology subject, but my subject title is Kinship, Gender and Marriage.Topic:– Critically evaluate the claim that arranged marriages are an indication of the subordination of women in the cultural groups in which this occurs.I will attach 2 reading articles for you, PLEASE USE IT AS THE REFERENCE IN THE ESSAY TOO.Some useful articles, you can have a look on it:– Browning, S. and R. Miller, eds. (1999) Till death do us part: a multicultural anthologyon marriage.– Collier, Jane (1988) Marriage and inequality in classless societies.– Kurian, G. (1979) Cross-cultural perspectives of mate selection and marriage– Palriwala, R. and P. Uberoi, eds. (2008) Marriage, migration and gender– Stockard, J. (2002) Marriage in culture

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