
Describe Harley-Davidson’s brand, including its target market, how the brands differ, business units, and its place in the overall portfolio of H-D.

Submit the PowerPoint Feasibility Study presentation to the senior vice president so that she can review the alternatives and provide you with feedback about your ideas.


Assignment 2 Grading Criteria 
Maximum Points
Assignment Components
Describe Harley-Davidson’s brand, including its target market, how the brands differ, business units, and its place in the overall portfolio of H-D.
Identify opportunities to add to the brands based on current gaps in the portfolio.
Assuming H-D participates in a merger, select a strategy and discuss the benefits of the strategy for H-D.
Provide a SWOT analysis on H-D’s functional areas: Marketing, Operations, HR, and Executive Leadership.
Provide a SWOT analysis on H-D’s functional areas: Supply Chain Optimization, Corporate Responsibility & Ethics, and Safety & Quality.
Recommend growth and profitability strategies for H-D. Rank and describe your top five options for the Sr. VP. Include a justification.
Presentation Standards
Organization (12)

Usage and Mechanics (12)

APA Elements (16)

Style (4)

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