. Your answer to each question should be about one sentence long. You may use a direct quote from the textbook to answer any of the questions, but if you do, be sure to include quotation marks around the quote. You do not need to provide a citation.. In the textbook they talk about a “cyber CDC”. Describe three things that this Cyber CDC could do to improve cybersecurity.1.2.3. The textbook discusses the fight against pirates as a possible analogy for the fight against cybercrime. They describe how the fight against pirates had a “two-pronged approach”, later referred to as two “strategies”. How do they say that the first strategy could be applied to cyberspace?. The textbook discusses the possibility of a cyber treaty that would ban all cyber weapons. What is one reason they say that the U.S. would oppose such a treaty?. The textbook talks about the possibility of “grafting” off of the Council of Europe’s Convention on Cybercrime. What do they mean by grafting, and what advantage does that have?
Describe three things that this Cyber CDC could do to improve cybersecurity.1