
Discuss how he/she overcame the challenge(s).

Using the Davenport University Library resources and reputable websites such as biography.com and notablebiographies.com,research the life and leadership challenges faced by the ‘Famous Leader’ that you chose for this assignment.  You should have a minimum of 5 different references for your paper.


After finding sufficient biographical information:

  • Thoroughly read and understand your leader’s background!
  • Summarize the leader’s ‘life story‘ in 4 to 6 paragraphs.
  • Describe one (or more, as appropriate) significant ‘leadership challenges’ that leader faced.
  • Discuss how he/she overcame the challenge(s).
  • Explain ‘why‘ the outcome was important.
  • Finally, conclude with a paragraph or two stating what lessons can be learned from your report.
  • Use proper citations (APA format) when discussing the information found in your research!
  • Double-space your paper and use a standard 12-point font and standard margins.
  • Proofread your paper for logical consistency, punctuation, and grammar.

At the end of your paper, properly reference books, articles and websites using standard APA format.  If you used information from a book, for example, provide the: Author’s Name(s), Year Published, Title, Place of Publication, and Publisher.  For example:


O’Reilly, B. & Dugard, M.  (2014).  Killing Patton: The strange death of World War II’s most  

            audacious general.  New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company, LLC.


In addition, there must be a separate cover page and reference page.  I would expect that most leadership reports would be four to five pages of text (plus the required cover page and ref

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