
E-retail (Scissors& Zipper.com )

Topic: E-retail (Scissors& Zipper.com )Order Descriptionit is a report paper about e-retail call Scissors& Zipper.com.web link :https://nsug1428.wix.com/mysitepleas use the web above like outline or guide . follow all the details contained in the site such as • Branding• Website design (including the visual merchandising)• Product range• Pricing• logistics process,• online promotional strategyYou are required to develop an e-retail business strategy for a NEW fashion/textiles Retail business that must include the components of the• Branding• Website design (including the visual merchandising)• Product range• Pricing• logistics process,• online promotional strategyYou will also need to include a financial plan for your first year.Also Note: Proof of extensive and comprehensive research to support your strategy through the use of academic research also is required at Post-Graduate levelie; Peer Reviewed Journals, Credible Market Survey Research (Use Google Scholar and RMIT Library)- Ensure credibility of research ie; Wikipedia is not acceptable as an academic sourceREPORT FORMATCover PageTable of contentsExecutive SummaryIntroductionBody of report (Research and Analysis)Website Design VisualConclusionReference ListAppendices (optional)• Grammar – where poor grammar or spelling errors are made.• Referencing – Harvard format must be followed (see RMIT website for assistance) if incorrect or no referencing used for research plagiarism action may be taken as per RMIT guidelines• Presentation & Layout – Poor layout, unprofessional format that doesn’t follow the brief or excessive variance in word limitReport Feedback• Grammar/Layout/–• Theory/Research/Referencing –Market Segment –• Branding –• Website design (including the visual merchandising) –• Product range –• Pricing –• Logistics process –• Online promotional strategy –• Financial plan for your first year –Overall –

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