
Evaluation Systems for Personnel Promotions

Evaluation Systems for Personnel PromotionsThere are many different approaches that organizations use to rate their employees and to determine promotions in the ranks. Some rely strictly on written evaluations that use a Likert scale measurement, along with a supporting narrative to rate their employees. Others use goal and achievement-based evaluation system. Others rely on oral presentations before a panel of evaluators. Others use multiple choice written examinations. Yet others use realistic scenario-based assessment center evaluation techniques.There are many different approaches that organizations use to rate their employees and to determine promotions in the ranks. Some rely strictly on written evaluations that use a Likert scale measurement, along with a supporting narrative to rate their employees. Others use goal and achievement-based evaluation system. Others rely on oral presentations before a panel of evaluators. Others use multiple choice written examinations. Yet others use realistic scenario-based assessment center evaluation techniques.Describe and assess the advantages and disadvantages of each of these approaches. Explain which one (or combination) of these approaches is the best, and why.

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