
Examine Ethics: Ethics of War for a full overview of Just War theory and its tenets to include in your analysis. Identify at least one strength and at least one weakness of Just War theory. Do you think Just War theory is a morally acceptable justification for war? Explain your answer.

Question 1:

Examine Ethics: Ethics of War for a full overview of Just War theory and its tenets to include in your analysis. Identify at least one strength and at least one weakness of Just War theory. Do you think Just War theory is a morally acceptable justification for war? Explain your answer.



Question 2:

Watch Michael Walzer on Just War Theory. In addition to the overview of Just War theory, Walzer discusses a new concept called jus post bellum, justice post conflict.

Describe what you believe are the moral obligations of countries and militaries after the end of conflict. Are nations and militaries responsible for rebuilding the countries they invade or liberate?

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