Week 3 Individual Project 1Deliverable length: 200 – 250 wordsCourse Objective(s):Describe the methods for controlling food safety through the entire flow of the operation, from purchasing to serving.Demonstrate serving methods that enhance food safety.Recognize design and installation features of facilities and equipment that promote cleanliness and sanitation.Describe the options available for pest and vermin control.AssignmentGood design and regular maintenance of food premises are essential to avoid hazards such as the contamination of food and multiplication of bacteria. The most important design principle for food establishments is that the workflow should linear and continuous, progressing from raw to finished product and ensuring the distances traveled by food or food handlers are kept to a minimum. This is vital to prevent contamination and cross contamination, as it ensures minimal or no contact between raw foods and ready-to-eat foods.Identify design and installation features of facilities and equipment that promote cleanliness and sanitation. Include details for materials, equipment selection, installation and maintenance.State the path known as the flow of food (9 areas) and how the facilities design contributes to the flow path. Provide an example.Describe the necessary equipment found at a hand washing stationBriefly discuss the primary concerns surroundingCross-ConnectionsBackflow PreventionGrease CondensationDiscuss how good lighting and proper ventilation is important to a restaurant’s operation.Identify steps necessary to reduce pest infestation.Please submit your assignment.You will be graded on the following:Individual Project Grading RubricFormat: Adherence to deliverable length, proper grammar, and APA format.10%Content: Content meets requirements and is an obvious response to the assignment details.20%Support: Ideas are supported with examples and evidence.20%Knowledge: A clear understanding of course material is demonstrated.25%Accuracy: Information is accurate with no factual errors.25%
Food Safety and Sanitation for Hospitality Assignment help