
For satts or ACETUTOR

Given: Today, more than ever, organizations are built aroundpeople working collaboratively with one another in teams. Thecontinued impetus is for the establishment of synergies betweenteam members that can accomplish tasks that are in keeping with anorganization’s strategic initiatives and vision. How are talentedpeople working in groups (some, for the very first time with a newgroup of people) formed into high-performance teams? Along withthis question is the issue of the ad-hoc work groups that areplaced together to accomplish very specific tasks in a short amountof time. Additionally, there are the required departmental levelmeetings that are called on some regular basis, either weekly,every two-weeks, or monthly. The expectation is that such meetingsare necessary and therefore required. And yet, some people considersuch teams to be a waste of time, money, and resources.

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