I need someone who is familiar with American studies and can answer these 3 essay questions fully, accurate, and no less than one page to each question.note: I’m going to need it to be done in no longer than 6 hours. 1.The Victorian concern over the Confidence Man seemed to express deep seated fears about changes in American Society. What were these changes? What was the nature of the threat that the confidence men posed to the individual and society? What were the various types of Confidence Men? What distinctive societal fears did each type of Confidence Men represent? 2. How did blackface minstrelsy reflect issues of race, ethnicity, class and gender in nineteenth century America? 3. In what ways did Jazz and Rock ’n’ Roll both reflect and shape twentieth century American society and culture?
How did blackface minstrelsy reflect issues of race, ethnicity, class and gender in nineteenth century America?