
Human trafficking in Australia (protection)

Topic: Human trafficking in Australia (protection)Order DescriptionThe research report is an individual work. In this report each student have to write up the major findings from the group poster presentation on the global population challenges.Group Abstract:(this is group one, it has to change to individuate one, there are Causes, implication, protection, international corporation, Prevention & Recommendations. My part is protection, so the essay is mainly focus on protection of the human trafficking in Australia.)Human trafficking is considered to be the trade, recruiting, harbouring of receiving of individuals, through the use of fraud, or force most frequently for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labour, or exploitation. Trafficking is becoming one of the largest global population challenges to date as it violates the basic human rights of an individual on many international levels and conventions. Human trafficking takes many forms on both a national and an international scale, and is now thought to be one of the fastest growing activities of high profile international criminal organisations. Currently nearly 21 million people yearly are trafficked for profit around the globe, with between 3-6 million being children, and majority being aged between 18-24. Labour exploitation accounts for 31% of all trafficking, forced marriages accounts for 28% and sexual exploitation accounts for 26% of investigations in 2014-15Australia is known to be one of the largest destination countries for human trafficking, with victims primarily comprising of women trafficked from East Asia, South East Asia and Eastern Europe, but in particular China, Korea and Thailand. Trafficking involving male victims or children is rare in comparison. It is the compilation of small crime groups relying on larger organised crime groups and individual operators, who are usually the perpetrators behind these practices. The main causes for the current demand of trafficked women in Australia are said to be attributed to: 1. A lack of women prepared to do prostitution and 2. Racial preferences or preconceived ideas (e.g. Asian women being more compliant and tolerable to violence), amongst other causes.Currently, opportunities to traffic people into Australia are limited due to strong migration controls, geographic isolation, and a considerable amount of regulation, enforcement, and legislation, thus making international trafficking of individuals difficult, however, leaves domestic trafficking a challenge. More recently, numbers show implementations of such legislations have brought down the number of new traffickers into Australia, however trafficking is still an extensive challenge.My part was:What we can do to protect human trafficking?Human trafficking prosecutions usually depends on the evidence provided by victims. But in most cases, victims are reluctant to provide evidence, especially when they and their families have been physically abused or threatened.This makes the protection and combating human trafficking more complex and difficult. However, coordination between government, non- governmental organizations and the social sector have implemented different ways to help protect the victims of human trafficking.Government:• Launched the National Action Plan to combat human trafficking and slavery, which provide a guide and strategy for the country to fight human trafficking and protect the victims in Australia.(UN.GIFT human trafficking: An overview. UNITED NATIONS NEW YORK, 2008)• Federal government oversees Australia’s response to human trafficking and slavery, by law enforcement and judicial authorities, the trafficking protocol can help to protect the victims of people trafficking:( https://www.dss.gov.au/our-responsibilities/women/programs-services/reducing-violence/anti-human-trafficking-strategy )• People trafficking, slavery, sexual servitude and debt bondage are offences under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth)• It is also an offence to employ or engagea person, or refer a person for work, in contravention of their visa conditions under the Migration Act 1958 (Cth)• Employers must comply with Australian workplace laws. All people working in Australia, including foreign workers (workers who are not citizensor permanent residents of Australia) are entitled to basic rights and protections in the workplace. Employers engaging foreign workers must ensure that they comply with both Australian workplace laws and immigration laws(www.ag.gov.au )• The visa system and victim support, provides individualized case management and a range of support to victimsNon-governmental organizations:NGOs are the important role in supporting the victims and improving the public understanding of human trafficking issues.NGOs are also a bridge between victims and government, as those victims may barely have knowledge or information about their right under Australian law and provide the best interests of the victims, to develop the most suitable for the sustainable livelihood programs and social reintegration.For example:The Anti-Slavery Project, the Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans.Project Respect, which protect the trafficked woman from the sexual exploitation.The Salvation Army Trafficking and Slavery Safe House, the community has 10-bed shelter and supported 400 people.Media:(https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2013/jun/03/anti-trafficking-communications-tipshttps://www.ungift.org/knowledgehub/en/about/how-the-media-reports-on-human-trafficking.html)The media plays a significant role to help protect the victims.• They keep people informed about news and stories of some of the victims, it raises our awareness of the issue and let us know the severity of the problem that is happening everyday but most of us do not know. By raising the awareness of people, we will be more alerted to help spotting potential incidents and hence, protect potential victims.• It provides information of human trafficking assistance resource for potential victims to seek help or people who would like to get involved information on.• Media also shames the traffickers by printing or exposing information and pictures of traffickers, so that potential victims can stay away from those people, which is an effective way of protection.The effective collaboration between government agencies, non-governmental organizations, the media, is the way to create awareness of an issue and contributing the prevention, suppression and punish trafficking.For the new essay:StructureYour project report should contain common elements and generally follow the basic format outlined as follows:a. Title. You can use the same title as your presentation. It should be brief, topic-specific and informative, clearly indicating the purpose and scope of your project.(which is Human trafficking in Australia-protection part)b. Abstract. It should be brief summary (around 200 to 500 words), written in a single paragraph and should cover the scope and purpose of your project report.c. Introduction. It sets the context for your research that should supply sufficient background to understand and evaluate the project topic without needing to refer to previous publications. Introductions generally include:– The rationale for the present study. Why are you interested in this topic? Why is this topic worth investigating?– Key terms and definitions (if necessary)– An outline of questions or hypotheses addressed in the report.d. Literature Review. It should overview the current state of research topic and to situate your project within that research. It should answer key questions about the literature, such as:– What is the current state of knowledge on the topic?– Where are the strengths and weaknesses of the research project?– What further research is needed (if necessary)?e. Methodology (Data and Methods, if necessary). The purpose of this section is to detail how you conducted your research. You need to briefly describe the data (if applied), any sources or materials used and the approach taken.f. Results and Discussions. Result and discussion can be separated, or it can also be presented in one section. The result should outline your findings in a consistent manner and in terms of tabular or graphic summary. Any analysis of your results occurs in the discussion section. The discussion should describe one of some of the following points:– To what extent was each question/hypothesis supported?– To what extent are your findings validated or supported by other research?– Were there unexpected variables that affected your results?– On reflection, was your research method appropriate (if necessary)?– Did you find for any differences between your results and other studies?g. Conclusion. The conclusion is generally fairly short and should follow on naturally from key points raised in the discussion.h. Reference. It contains all the resources you have cited in your report. It is important to follow preferred format, style of references and presentation requirements of the report. In this case, references can follow the citation method from MLA, Chicago, or APA style.Note:– The title can be different from the presentation title. However, the theme o f your reportshould reflect the same theme as presented in the project presentation.– The report can include material additional to what was presented in the presentationsession.– References should only be taken from academic and recognized resources (e.g. books,peer reviewed journals, national/international newspapers, formal websites).

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