This tutorial consist of management questions and solutions, Find the common questions asked in management exams with well written and researched answers. The following are the questions:1. What is management? Have these definitions changed over time2. Explain the differences between effectiveness and efficiency. Give examplesto illustrate your answer. Discuss ways that managers at each of the fourlevels of management can contribute to efficiency and effectiveness3. In today’s environment, which is more important to organisations—efficiencyor effectiveness? Explain your choice.4. Fayol, Mintzberg and Katz studied and wrote about management – thougheach in a different way. Discuss the focus of each contribution for themanagement of contemporary organizations5. Describe the key similarities and differences between the managementtheories developed by Fayol, Mintzberg and Katz6. Describe the three ‘attitude orientations’ of organisational behaviour and givean example for each. In your answer discuss why it is helpful for managersto be aware of these orientations7. ‘Instead of worrying about job satisfaction, companies should be trying tocreate environments where performance is enabled.’ Discuss the implicationsof this statement for managers8. Explain the challenges facing managers in managing generational differencesand negative behaviour in the workplace9. Explain why it is important to understand the different communication styleswhen communicating with people. In your answer discuss the barriers tocommunication that managers need to be aware of when communicating withculturally diverse teams10. You are a manager who is trying to get support from your colleagues for anew idea. Describe the three principles of communication as well as threeinfluencing tactics you might use.
Management questions with answers