
State or Country Workers Compensation Research Paper: Students will need to write an eight page research paper on the current state of workers’ compensation in a state or country of her/his choosing. The research paper should address the following:

State or Country Workers Compensation Research Paper: Students will need to write an eight page research paper on the current state of workers’ compensation in a state or country of her/his choosing. The research paper should address the following:1.) Explanation of the workers’ compensation claims process from the initiation of a claim through the appeals process;2.) Explanation of the benefits offered to workers’ sustaining a compensable injury/illness;a. Amount and method of calculation of temporary total disability (“TTD”) benefits (or however the state refers to temporary total disability);b. Duration of TTD Benefits;c. Vocational rehabilitation benefits;d. Permanent partial disability benefits;e. Permanent total disability benefits; andf. Death benefits to surviving spouses/estates.3.) The statutory standard for an injury AND illness to be compensable (ensure you address injury and illness even if the state treats both the same);4.) Whether the state is a monopolistic, competitive market, or mix;5.) Whether the state calculates and administers its own experience rating system, relies on the NCCI, or has some hybrid;6.) Any methods/practices/programs that employers can participate in to reduce premiums;7.) How light/modified duty is managed by employers and whether employers may reduce compensation for workers’ on light/modified duty;8.) Any other unique features, facts or trends about the particular state’s/country’s workers compensation system.This paper should be double spaced, one-inch margins all around, and written according to APA requirements. It is likely that students will obtain most of the information for these papers through state/country government websites, however students can expand their learning of the state’s/country’s workers’ compensation system by also reading non-governmental publications. As such, students must have at least three non-governmental sources for their paper. Students should cite individual governmental sources accordingly.Objective: Students will utilize course-wide concepts to determine how particular jurisdictions handle the related issues and draw distinctions and comparisons with broad concepts covered in class. Students also explore and analyze relevant legal trends and/or application of law in new and developing areas.You can use these booksLarson, A. (2013). Workers’ Compensation Law: Cases, Material and Text (5th Ed.). LexisNexis. (REQUIRED)Spurlock, B.S., and Wertz, K.R. (2008) Chomp Comp: The Small Business Guide to Lower Workers’ Comp Premiums. Louisville, KY Lighted Path Publishers. (REQUIRED – provided free by instructor).ABC’s of Experience Rating (2015). National Council on Compensation Insurance, Inc. (REQUIRED – Free Publication Available at https://www.ncci.com/Articles/Documents/UW_ABC_Exp_Rating.pdf .)

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