
Theories Regarding Individual Health Behavior

In Chapter 4, you will find four factors that contribute to health behavior and health seeking (pg. 38). Choose one of the four factors and thoroughly discuss, in your own words, including your understanding of its definition and what this factor means in your own health status. Also, give an example of this factor in individual health behavior.Your responses should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. Use the APA style for all citations. (VisitDiscussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the discussion by making frequent informed references to lesson materials. Initial Discussion responses should be around 100 words.Make two or more responses to classmates that are thoughtful and advance the discussion. Responses to your classmates or instructor should be around 75 words.For full credit, initial responses must be posted by Saturday of the unit week; comments must be posted by Tuesday. Refer to the Discussion Board grading rubric in the course Syllabus for more details.

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