Topic: A Synthetic Literature Review and Prognosis of Corporate e-ReputationOrder Description1. This is a 10,000 word paper. In this mini project, I only want you to write the introduction part of my paper. THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE PAPER.2. I will send you the first draft I wrote on the topic. It is 100% original. However, I want it to be so massively improved, that you can consider this a rewriting project.3. Preserve my ideas. Also, preserve all citations I used. If you want to add some citations, go ahead.4. The main objective is to make the introduction such an interesting piece to read that that reader proceeds to the next section.5. This paper will be sent to the top marketing journals in the world. So the quality has to be very top-notch in terms of vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structuring.6. This is the main aim — make the reader understand the importance of Corporate e-Reputation, how it affects them, why they should care, and how this paper solves their problem.7. Total word count of the introduction has to be between 500-600 words.
A Synthetic Literature Review and Prognosis of Corporate e-Reputation