1.) According to the film, economic inequality has been widening in the U.S. since the 1970s. Discuss at least two central causes of this process as outlined by Robert Reich.
2.) What does Reich mean when he claims that rising social inequality has the potential to undermine democracy? Discuss the connection between wealth inequality and political influence in America.3.) Using examples from the film discuss the relationship between inequality, social status, and health in America. What factors, in your view, contribute to differences in health outcomes between social groups?
4.) How are social policies related to health outcomes in population groups? How might social policies look that narrow differences in health outcomes between population groups?
Film: Unnatural Causes – In Sickness and in Wealth ( for number 3 and 4 questions answer based on this short film)
Film: Inequality for All ( for number 1 and 2 questions answer based on this short film it’s on google play)