Topic: Action Research (using art lessons to improve first grade learning)Order Description..this is the Introduction and the Literature Review of the Action research fix it first and mission the intervention. Intervention in the literature is so so so so so important .I wanna to fix first tow part (introduction and literature ) to be match it with the Methodology , Result Finding ,Conclusion Recommendation .please see the comments in the2 file and with your experiences to fix it .after write the 7 pages of the Action research which will be :3 Methodology (2 or 3 pages )4 Result Finding ( 2 or 3 pages )5 Conclusion Recommendation ( 2 pages ) .***** see the Rubric to do the all introduction , literature , Methodology ,Result Finding , Conclusion Recommendation.********** see the Rubric********* see the Rubric********* see the Rubric********* see the Rubric********* see the Rubric****I attached the Rubric for you this is the name of the file ( AR Rubric 1 important to follow , cur 519 )** see the article of Action Research *** that I attached it for you as a good example it will help you to understand .
Action Research (using art lessons to improve first grade learning)