
Analyze trade between two countries for a single industry. Data will be drawn from the World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS).Here is a preliminary list of countries that you are not allowed to use in your term project: Albania, Argentina, China, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Viet Nam.More may be added as your proposals come in.

The term project will involve analyzing trade between two countries for a single industry.  Data will be drawn from the World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS).Here is a preliminary list of countries that you are not allowed to use in your term project: Albania, Argentina, China, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Viet Nam.More may be added as your proposals come in.Reminder: my instructor must approve ymy country pair and product group in advance. A detailed description of the term project and a sample term paper are attached. I’m going to use my school’s sytem to check plagiarism via TURNITIN after you finish this paper. Thanks in advance.

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