
Are your imports subject to duties, free trade agreements, or other regulations?

Assignment 1: Research Paper

Trade Agreements and Tariff Preference Programs

Compare and contrast at least three free trade agreements and tariff preference programs that the United States is a party to such as NAFTA, CAFTA, GSP, and others. When comparing and contrasting, address the following questions:

  • What countries are parties to the agreement—bilateral or multilateral?
  • Are there implementation and expiration dates?
  • What are the methods for dispute resolution?
  • Are there intellectual property provisions?
  • What are the labor provisions?
  • What are the e-commerce provisions?
  • What are the primary benefits/objectives?
  • Are there any other interesting and relevant data?
  • What are the implications for your company?

Prepare a table showing comparison between different trade agreements. Then, follow that work with a paragraph or two that synthesizes key findings. Write the table and key findings in a Microsoft Word document and submit it to the Discussion Area BY Saturday, January 23

. In addition, evaluated the benefits of each trade program as it relates to the company you have selected.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.


Assignment 2: Course Project Task III

Evaluate the Affect of International Trade Regulations

You will evaluate the affect of international trade regulations as well as U.S. import/export regulations on your company’s business transactions. If your company trades goods or services with another country, there are laws that regulate the import and export of goods. Analyze the following regulatory issues that affect your company:

  • How do U.S. import and export laws affect your company?
  • Which departments play a role in imports and exports?
  • Are your imports subject to duties, free trade agreements, or other regulations?
  • Do your exports require licensing?
  • Are there any restrictions on your company’s imports or exports?
  • What are the consequences for failure to follow import and export regulations?
  • What is your company’s policy on compliance with U.S. import/export laws?
  • Make note of any pending regulations or laws that could affect your company in the future.

Now, analyze the following import/export requirements of the three countries you have selected:

  • Who is responsible for ensuring that your company and any overseas branches, divisions, subsidiaries, or other related parties comply with the regulations of each country?
  • What regulations affect the import and export of products for that country or countries?

Write a 3 -pages paper showing your research on trade regulations. Include links, references, and sources you have used and follow the proper guidelines for citing legal texts. Also provide a statement regarding which specific topics related to your research would be appropriate for inclusion in the International Business Law and Practices Guidelines document you are developing. Provide a rationale for your decisions.

Present your work in Microsoft Word document format to the Discussion Area by Monday, January 25,

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.


Note: The information from your module-wise research should be distilled into usable material for your guidelines. If you have not started already, you should start to develop a format for your guidelines and include in the guidelines some of the information you have obtained in the first three modules of the course. It’s not necessary to have all of the topics listed or completed, but in next module you will submit for peer review a draft of the work completed on the guidelines.



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