
Based on your personal opinion, should women have the option to elect pre-term inductions for non-medicallynecessary reasons? Why, or why not?

Unit III Reflection PaperShould Women Wait?In Chapter 8, we learn about the stages of prenatal development. However, due to reasons such as discomfort, personal preferences some women are electing to have labor induced before they have reached ”full term.” Please listen to the following NPR program (copy/paste the address into your browser) and respond with a Reflection Paper:  1. What happens developmentally to a fetus during each stage of prenatal development?2. Based on your knowledge from this class, should women have the option to elect pre-term inductions for nonmedicallynecessary reasons? Why, or why not?3. Based on your personal opinion, should women have the option to elect pre-term inductions for non-medicallynecessary reasons? Why, or why not?4. If you had a friend considering a pre-term induction, what might you say to her to help her be better educatedregarding prenatal development? Assignment formatting:Your response should be at least two pages, double spaced, with Times New Roman 12 pt. font.  Be sure to cite and reference any sources used, including your textbook, using APA style.

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