
Carefully review the before beginning the assignment.The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to learn more about how connected you are to the ecosystems and biosphere that you inhabit. You will learn how your everyday choices impact our environment.

 Carefully review the  before beginning the assignment.The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to learn more about how connected you are to the ecosystems and biosphere that you inhabit. You will learn how your everyday choices impact our environment. Most importantly, you will learn about the benefits of joining the increasing number of people who are making choices that reduce their environmental impact.First, calculate your ecological footprint (If you are having difficulty getting any of the proper information from the calculator, you may need to try a different web browser.  For instance, if you are using Google Chrome, you may need to use Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla, etc.  If you are using one of these and are experiencing difficulties, you may need to try Google Chrome, etc.).

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