compare/contrast argument analysis.Paper details:Reality TV Goes Where Football Meets the Hijab” Khakpour AND“Are We Worried about Storm’s Identity- or Our own?” Williams page 545Compare/ Contrast: Argument Analysis•Title:Compare/ Contrast-ARTICLE AUTHORS’ NAMES.•Introduction Paragraph (page 1).?attention-getter.?article one argument (restate thesis).?article two argument (restate thesis).?Thesis Statement (Compare/ Contrast)..•Body Paragraph One (1st ½ page 2).?Topic Sentence (Compare).?Assertion- (one way articles are the same).?Proof- (example from article one).?Proof- (example from article two).?Explanation- (tell audience how these two examples show the similarity of the two articles).?Transition- (Lead the audience to the contrast paragraph)..•Body Paragraph Two (2nd ½ page 2).?Topic Sentence (Contrast).?Assertion- (one way articles are different).?Proof- (example from article one).?Proof- (example from article two).?Explanation- (tell audience how these two examples show the difference of the two articles)..•Conclusion (1st ½ page 3).?Restate Thesis.?Review Comparison.?Review Contrast.?Explanation- (How does this impact the world outside this paper and classroom?)..Automatic 0% if ANY of the following are present:•incorrect MLA Format (article titles should be in quotes).•incorrect Works Cited.•Over 3 pages.•Under 3 pages
compare/contrast argument analysis.