

Corrosionmy part on this project is Corrosion data analyzing ” like MPY” on the power-point and the corrosion portion on the formal reportGroup NumberSection (Mon 2PM, Tues 2PM, Wed 2PM, Thurs 2PM)Group MembersProject Outline:1. Objective – What do you plan to accomplish? Why is this important, useful or significant?2. Materials – What materials will you need? Specific alloys and quantities.3. Testing Equipment that will be used4. Testing MatrixAlloys How many Sample prep Test TemperatureExamples: 6061 Al 3 Tensile sample Tensile 26 C70-30 cartridge brass 9 Anneal, Cold work, tensile, metallography 26 C, 350 C, 700 C1018 steel 15 Charpy notched Charpy impact -70C to 100 CWhat tests will you do?How many samples per test?What information will be obtained from the test? Why are you doing this test?5. What sample preparation is necessary (tensile, Charpy, metallography)6. Other considerations to think aboutTime constraintsGroup member interestsCostsTime to prepare samples

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