
Demonstrate understanding of key knowledge relevant to the Service User Group

May Jackson is a young person of 19 years of age who has a moderate learning disability and epilepsy. May also has slight sight and hearing impairments which are partially corrected by glasses and a hearing aid to the left ear. May has continued to attend mainstream education with individual support from a teaching assistant. Although May has had epilepsy since she was five years old, this has recently become more severe and an assessment stay at the National Centre for Epilepsy has recently been carried out. May has recently become withdrawn and lacking in self esteem and appears to be very anxious about leaving school and making many life changes.
May is supported by a Transition worker from the Adults learning Disabilities Team. Although May is nervous about the future, she is very keen to move away from home over the next two or three years.
Mays parents disagree with the idea of her living on her own and have identified a local group home, which is near to home and has 24 hour staff support.
Mays father, Tom, manages a large car sales company. Recently Tom has spent more time away from home and often comes home having spent some time in the pub drinking heavily. He has been struggling to keep the business profits stable. Tom leaves the caring role to his wife, who is not in paid employment and spends most of her time at home. Linda is 46 years old and is the main carer for her daughter May and her mother Elsa, who also lives in the family home. Linda has recently shown signs of stress and is not able to sleep well at night. She is very anxious about the future, and the decisions that need to be made on behalf of her daughter and her mother.
Elsa Browning is Lindas mother and is 82 years of age. Elsa lives in the family home which has had a downstairs garage conversion to provide a self contained flat for her. Recently there have been a series of incidents when Elsa has been out shopping and become very disorientated and unable to remember where she was or how to return home. Elsa has also begun to have dramatic mood swings which range from being very withdrawn and depressed to sudden outbursts where she will scream out and lash out at anyone nearby.
Elsa has been attending a local community day centre and her family have noticed bruising on her arms and legs when she has returned home from the centre. They have now contacted social services about this. Specific Assessment Criteria

Specific Assessment Criteria
Demonstrate understanding of key knowledge relevant to the Service User Group

Demonstrate the ability to apply this knowledge in practice

Demonstrate understanding and application of relevant legislation, policies and guidelines INCLUDE CARE ACT 2014. ASSESSMENT-OUTCOME, PERSOLISATION
Identify and explore actual or potential discrimination arising from the scenario

Reference List

Atherton, Helen, Crickmore, Debbie, (2011) Learning Disabilities: Towards Inclusion, 6th Ed. Churchill-Livingstone
Davies, Martin Ed. (2012)Social Work with Adults, Palgrave-McMillan
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Green Lister, P (2012) Integrating social work theory and practice: A practical skills guide. Abingdon: Routledge

Howe, David (2009) A Brief Introduction to Social Work Theory, Basingstoke: Palgrave-McMillan

Kemshall, Hazel (2013) Working with Risk: Skills for Contemporary Social Work, Chichester: Polity

Koubel, Georgina Ed.(2013) Social Work with Adults, Maidenhead: Open University Press, McGraw-Hill Education

Lindsay, T Ed. (2009) Social work intervention. Exeter: Learning Matters.

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Payne, M (2005) Modern social work theory, 3rd edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Schaub, J (2013) Vulnerability in the Community. Chap. 20 In D. Sines, S. Aldridge-Bent, A.

French, Dr Sally, Swain, John (2011) Working with Disabled People in Policy and Practice: A Social Model (Interagency Working in Health and Social Care) Palgrave-McMillan
Gardner, Ali (2014) Personalisation in Social Work 2nd Ed. Exeter: Learning Matters

Teater, Barbra Ed. (2014) Contemporary Social Work Practice: A Handbook for Students, Maidenhead: Open University Press, McGraw-Hill Education

Trevithick, Pamela (2012) Social Woerk Skills and Knowldege: A Practice Handbook. Maidenhead: Open University Press, McGraw-Hill Education

Williams, Paul (2009) Social Work with People with Learning Difficulties, Exeter: Learning Matters
Adams R,. et al (2009), Social Work Themes, Issues and Critical Debates, 3rd Edition, Palgrave MacMillan,

Angus AD and Brailsford A (2007) Using skills to prevent abusive practice Assess for Care

Beresford. P (2000) Users Knowledge and Social Work Theory. British Journal of Social Work. 30, 489-503

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Burton J, Toscano T and Zanouzi M, (2012), Personalisation for Social Workers, Open University Press, McGraw Hill.

Cambridge, P and Carnaby, S. (eds) (2005) Person- Centred Planning and Care Management with People with Learning Disabilities. London. Jessica Kingsley.

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Department of Health (1990) The NHS and Community Care Act. London: HMSO

Department of Health (2001) Valuing People; A New Strategy for Learning Disability for the 21st Century.White Paper. London: HMSO

Galpin D and Bates N (2009), Social Work Practice with Adults, Learning Matters.

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