Jean Piaget’s theory of a Preoperational Stage describes why there is an extraordinary increase in representational, or symbolic, activity between the ages of two and seven. In this discussion we will explore this cognitive developmental stage.As you create your discussion post, consider the following:
•Make-believe is a classic example of developmental representation. Do you remember playing make-believe as a child, or have you seen children do this? Can you remember when you stopped? Should parents encourage this behavior, or reprimand children for this behavior?
By the end of this discussion, you will be able to:
•Describe the limitations of preoperational thought, and summarize the implications of recent research for the accuracy of the preoperational stage.
Complete the following:Review each of the following preoperational thought process, according to Jean Piaget: egocentrism, a focus on perceptual appearances, difficulty reasoning about transformations, and lack of hierarchical classification. First, describe each of the above mentioned preoperational thought process. Then, discuss the evidence indicating the preschoolers are more capable thinkers than Piaget assumed. Be sure to include in your response information from the textbook or other psychology-specific sources.
Initial Discussion PostWe ask that your initial post should be at least 250 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings from the module with proper APA style formatting. You may use additional sources and materials as long as they are relevant to the discussion and cited properly with APA style citation
Describe the limitations of preoperational thought, and summarize the implications of recent research for the accuracy of the preoperational stage.