
Discuss any of the causes of organizational conflict(s). Then discuss how best to handle the issues of the conflict(s) that you chose.

More, H., Vito, G., Walsh, W. (2012). Organizational behavior and management in law enforcement (Custom 3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN: 9781269653459.

Riccucci, N. M. (2012). Public personnel management: Current concerns, future problems (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Longman Publishers. ISBN:9780205012671.


DB 1 Answer at least 1 of the following questions of your choice (you can discuss as many as you like):

An issue that will always be of interest to those that manage criminal justice organizations is one of continual hiring. There is always a certain amount of personnel that leave an organization each year, prompting the need for new hires. With this in mind, discuss how the known generational differences might influence the hiring. Also discuss how you believe the different generations will affect the criminal justice organization in which you are employed, provide counseling for, serve as a chaplain for, consult for, are affiliated with, and/or administrate or manage. 

Define what you believe leadership to be in any criminal justice organization. Explain how your definitions could best be applied to improve yours or any criminal justice organization of which you have knowledge or have researched in order to answer this inquiry. 

What do you believe have been the major changes in human resource management over the years? What circumstances or other intervening items or systems have caused those major changes to occur?


DB2 Answer at least 1 of the following questions of your choice (you can discuss as many as you like):

Discuss any of the causes of organizational conflict(s). Then discuss how best to handle the issues of the conflict(s) that you chose. 

Explain briefly how and if chronic health issues have an effect on the cost of operating a criminal justice organization. What is the best manner in which to reduce any said cost if you were asked to design the health benefit package?

Explore and discuss the major changes that have come to public employee unions since the swearing in of a new U.S. President in 2009.


DB3 Answer at least 1 of the following questions of your choice (you can discuss as many as you like):

One of the most interesting items in the communication realm of organization management is the informal grapevine. The informal grapevine has the capacity to undermine the official communication function of a criminal justice organization. Discuss what a grapevine is and the best methods to counteract it. 

In a summary, list and explain one of the major influences on work-group behavior. 

Research and explain what the major political imperatives within the federal system of hiring employees are and how they affect the professional process.


DB4 Answer at least 1 of the following questions of your choice (you can discuss as many as you like):

Briefly summarize the history of private prisons in the United States and advise their current status and/or popularity. 

Compare and contrast criminal justice organizations with nonprofit organizations.

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