They are three separate works Discuss the benefits of practicing from a well-defined theoretical approach and the pitfalls of not doing so. Discuss what influences the development of a theoretical approach and the process of how it will develop for a beginning counselor. 3The 2014 ACA Code of Ethics addresses the ethical responsibilities of counselors with respect to providing counseling in a culturally sensitive manner, and to advocating for the removal of barriers that hamper the growth and development of clients. As you read, ACA also endorses professional standards related to cultural competence and social justice advocacy. Based on your visit to the website of the professional association for your specialization area, what did you find with respect to ethical codes and standards of practice (For example, does the NCDA have its own Code of Ethics? Does the AAMFT have professional standards related to Advocacy?) What other resources or information did you notice on the site? Is there a peer-reviewed journal affiliated with your professional association
Discuss the benefits of practicing from a well-defined theoretical approach and the pitfalls of not doing so.