Topic: EssayOrder DescriptionWhile there have been some improvements in the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians in recent year, Indigenous Australians are still disadvantaged compared with non-Indigenous Australians (AIHW 2014). This disadvantage is often the result of a complex range of interrelated economic, cultural, geographical, environmental and social factors that impact up on the health and wellbeing of people of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background.For this assignment you must identify and discuss four factors that impact on the health and wellbeing of a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background. You must provide a discussion of approximately 450 words for each of these four factors. Your response is to be presented as a formal scholarly essay, supported with reliable sources of evidence which have been referenced correctly using the Harvard Referencing System.DIRECTIONSThe paper must be presented as a formal scholarly essay with the following sections:Section A – Introduction (100 words)The introduction should catch the reader’s attention in an interesting way and introduce what will be discussed in the assignment.Section B – Body of Essay (1800 words)This section should discuss the four factors that impact on the health of a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background (approximately 450 words per factor).Section C – Conclusion (100 words)The conclusion presents a brief paragraph that ties together the main points of the assignment, but does not introduce new ideas and generally does not include new literature or direct quotes.Reference ListA minimum of 8 references (two for each factor discussed) from reliable sources of evidence such as journal articles, textbooks and reports from research centres should support the assignment. They should be referenced correctly using the Harvard Referencing System.hope to use Australian literature