For this Capstone assignment, you will explain the impact that unions have on an organization; describe the principle reasons that labor/management relations can be challenged and result in conflict; and provide guidance on the strategies that can be implemented to lessen/resolve labor conflict. For a review of the Capstone project and scenario, see the Module 8 folder.At Ellard Williams, over the past three years, union-filed grievances have increased by 37 percent. The organization has offered a number of reasons for this rising trend, including the hiring of new union representatives and the lack of financial increases and incentives to offer employees over the past two years. However, other organizations in the industry are represented by the same unions and have had similar financial constraints yet their number of grievances has remained steady over this period.Develop a well-written paper that addresses the following, as requested by the CEO of Ellard Williams.Your paper should meet the following requirements:
Explain the impact that unions have on an organization; describe the principle reasons that labor/management relations can be challenged and result in conflict; and provide guidance on the strategies that can be implemented to lessen/resolve labor conflict.