
Express one particular cost issue that you have seen as a project manager or team member that affected the project either positively or negatively. Clearly identify what was done to rectify the issue and describe the impact to the project A fundamental topic for the success of a project is the management of scope.

  The entire content of this course is to understand and be aware of costs and value in a project. Express one particular cost issue that you have seen as a project manager or team member that affected the project either positively or negatively. Clearly identify what was done to rectify the issue and describe the impact to the project   A fundamental topic for the success of a project is the management of scope. The original scope of a project has cost assumptions to ensure project success.  Provide a specific example from your experience or from examples in the text where a change in scope can impact the project financials. If you were the sponsor of this project, would you approve the change in scope knowing what you do now?

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