
How has noting and writing about the comparisons change your opinion concerning the non-Western traditions? If your opinion has not changed, explain why you think it has not changed.

In a well-organized essay, address the following:

  1. While reading about any of the non-Western traditions, identify at least three traditions that you mentally compared to some theory in Western philosophy? How are they similar?
  2. Identify which features of these two traditions you saw as non-comparable. How are the two traditions different? If you had grown up in the non-Western culture, do you think you would prefer these two traditions over the ones to which you have been enculturated in our Western society? Why or why not?
  3. When you consider that Asian philosophy predates Western philosophy and religion, why do you think that it was not more influential on Western thinking?
  4. How has noting and writing about the comparisons change your opinion concerning the non-Western traditions? If your opinion has not changed, explain why you think it has not changed.

Please ensure that your essay addresses each component of the assigned questions and that your answer is well-organized, uses excellent, college-level prose, and makes judicious use of textual evidence. Your essay must follow APA formatting and should be 500-750 words long.

If you quote, paraphrase, or summarize from the textbook or any other source, you must include in-text citations and a References page.

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