Consider the difference between presenting information in a face-to-face environment versus an online environment.
Search the Internet for two different videos of people presenting information. One video should feature a speaker presenting to a live audience. The second video should feature a speaker presenting to the camera, without a live audience.
Answer the following questions with regard to the videos you selected:
· How did the presenters demonstrate their knowledge of the audience or webcast viewers?
· How would the presenters need to modify the presentations to turn the live presentation into a webcast and the webcast into a live presentation.
Submit your assignment as a 10-15 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint presentation. Include the web links to the presentations. Your presentation should include an agenda slide that preview the main points of your presentation and a conclusion slide that summarizes your key arguments. Be mindful of good slide design.
(Note: If you are having difficulty finding a video of a presentation to a live audience, look for TEDTalks or Apple iPhone and iPad presentations, which are generally presented to a live audience but also published online.)