
Indigenous health: week 7 Rural and Remote Health

Topic: Indigenous health: week 7 Rural and Remote HealthPlace bid Hide orderQuiz login: hidden, available for the assigned writer onlyQuiz password: hidden, available for the assigned writer onlyOrder DescriptionINSTRUCTIONS IN ACCESSING THE TEST:CLICK THIS LINK: https://sso-cas.rmit.edu.au/rmitcas/login?service=https%3A%2F%2Fmy.rmit.edu.au%2Fportal%2FRMIT ID: S3580455PASSWORD: [email protected] you successfully logged in, follow this:1. click MY STUDIES2. scroll it down and click “PUBH1402 INDIGENOUS HEALTH”3. Then click blackboard4. It will then open in new window. Scroll it down and click “Assessments (Quizzes in weekly Quizzes FOLDERS)”5. click ” 8 x Weekly Quizzes 40%”6. Click “week 7”THE QUIZ IS TIME FRAMEDTHERE IS ONLY ONE ATTEMPT FOR THIS QUIZ SO MAKE SURE WHEN YOU ANSWER THE QUIZ YOU HAVE A RELIABLE INTERNET CONNECTION AS THE QUIZ CANNOT BE RE OPENED.Test items are from the videos and the readings.here is the link for the videos:I will upload the readings in here as well.Timed Test: This test has a time limit of 1 hour.Timer Setting: You will be notified when time expires, and you may continue or submit.Force Completion: Once started, this test must be completed in one sitting. Do not leave the test before clicking Save and Submit.make sure to click “save answer” for each questions.If you can manage, I hope you could copy and paste the questions and your answers to a separate word file and send it to me so I can retain a copy as my reviewer.Don’t just leave the question unanswered for a long time as this can cause to close the quiz and you won’t be able to retrieve it like what I said earlier that the quiz cannot be re opened.I will allow you to have a maximum of 2 mistakes out of the overall score.. Actually the point system is sometimes different so for example 1 question may just have 1/2 point but some have 1 point. So just be very careful.Another thing, Please message me before you are going to start doing the quiz. Because we might open my account at the same time while you are in the middle of the quiz and that might close the quiz that you are doing. So just to be sure, message me here when you plan to start doing the quiz so I won’t open my account during the time you are doing it. Thanks!Just let me know if you have any questions and clarifications. Thank you.

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