
Interfaith Marriages/Relationships between Hindu and Muslim students (Ethnography)

Topic: Interfaith Marriages/Relationships between Hindu and Muslim students (Ethnography)Order DescriptionI’ve conducted a research on the topic Interfaith Marriages/Relationships between Hindu and Muslim students on my university campus. Further details about the research are given in the attached abstract. Basically for this research, I interviewed a bunch of Hindu and Muslim students(7-8) on campus with a series of questions. I’ll be attaching those questions and interviews.I want you to write a 10-15 page final research paper(Ethnography). For that you must use the audio clips of the interviews which I’ll either attached or send a link to download. Besides the 10-15 page final research paper, I also want you to transcribe the audio interviews. Of course, I don’t want you to transcribe each and every word from the audio clips, but the main ideas of the person which you feel are important, and those ideas that answer all my questions. For now, I’ll be attaching 7 interviews, 6 of those are audios and the 7th one is an email interview. I might send you one more in a day or so. You must use all the interviews sent.The most important thing that I’ll be attaching for your reference is a sample research paper of a very similar(not quite the same) topic which was done a few years ago. You must thoroughly read that paper, my abstract, my research questions, listen and transcribe my interviews and then come up with a fresh ethnographic research paper. Very important: You CANNOT cite in any information from the sample paper or use any of the sources used in it. You can use it just to get an idea of what you need to write in those 10-15 pages using the interviews and of course you need to write the field notes part after that which is nothing but transcribing the interviews.Note that the way I define ethnography is what the rules are in a society and how are they broken. Ethnographic research involves answering a research question. The big question that I’m trying to answer through this research is mentioned in the abstract. Please pay close attention to that. Your language in the paper must be simple, clear, and concise.Abbreviations:UIUC / U of I: University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignRSO: Registered Student OrganizationISA: Indian Student OrganizationMSA: Muslim Student Association

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