
Major research project and summary for prensentation (based in Australia)

Topic: Major research project and summary for prensentation (based in Australia)Order Description1.(research background must be based in Australia, or global issue)2.(Also writer must apply the therioes and material studied that I have learnt during the semester)3.(Also please writer need to think about a main question for the research essay, then you follow the question to finish the essay.) 4.(at the end please write me a page of summary of the essay so I can present to my tutor). Students are expected to conduct research into news coverage of a social cause, organisation or issue or their choosing.Based on the research, construct an argument directly related to the overarching unit theme: journalism and social change. Theproposed topic, scope and thesis of each student’s research project will be pre-approved at Task 2.In this task, students are required to demonstrate their capacity to synthesise the material studied during the semester, to apply it to theirresearch project, and present their findings in written form, using the conventions of scholarly academic presentation.

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