Topic: My worldviewOrder DescriptionMY PROFESSORS RUBRIC. PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONSMy WorldviewPre-Writing Outline TemplatePurpose: The purpose of this paper is to help you become a more effective critical thinker. You will be identifying, examining, and analyzing your beliefs and values of your worldview. You will also be exploring how your worldview influences decisions you have made, as well as your actions, on personal and political issues.Paper Format: Your paper should be about 2 pages, 12-point font, word processed, and double-spaced. It should also include at least 2 citations from the opposing viewpoint to receive full credit. The reference (MLA – Works Cited) page should be a separate page and is not counted as one of the 2 pages.Paper Evaluation: The paper will be evaluated using the rubric posted in Titanium. The paper is worth a maximum of 70 points.This outline will assist you with writing a clear and cohesive paper.I. IntroductionA. Define worldview – What is a worldview?II. My Worldview Origins – How did you develop your worldview?A. Family – Describe your home life. How has your family shaped your values and beliefsB. Friends – How have your friends contributed to how you view ideas and issues?C. Religion – What do you believe (see Articulating your Worldview chart)? How has this belief shaped your worldview?D. Education – Think about how you were educated and the ways in which it influenced you in your abilities to think critically.E. Geographic Location – What role do you think America should play in the world?F. Politics – What is your political ideology (use the “I Side With” quiz results)III. My Worldview Values & BeliefsA. Issue – choose an issue that you have a very strong opinion either for or against it.B. Pro or Con? –1. What led you to adopt this opinion on this issue?2. What are the major influences? How did your family and/or geographic location (where you grew up) influence you?3. Consider the influence of ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, gender, education, government, and/or the media. For example, in what way might your gender affect your perspective?C. Opposing Viewpoint – Go to the Opposing Viewpoints site (see handout in Titanium) and find at least two articles written by authors who support the opposing side of this issue.1. Article #1: Citationi. Why does the author value and believe his/her position on this issue?ii. Why do they disagree with your point of view?2. Article #2: Citationi. Why does the author value and believe his/her position on this issue?ii. Why do they disagree with your point of view?D. Values & Beliefs Analysis1. After exploring the opposing viewpoint, do you still hold the same opinion?2. Do you think you might change your mind in the future? Under what conditions?IV. My Worldview Critical Thinking Self-Analysis – After exploring your worldview origins, values, and beliefs, determine your current critical thinking level.A. Perry Model ( FOR THIS PART I WILL UPLOAD FILES ON PERRY MODEL)1. What stage (do not say that your are little of all four – where does your brain spend most of its time?) do you think best describes your thinking at this point in your life? Why?2. Think about your position on controversial issues. Are you opened minded? Closed-minded?3. How was your opinion formed – thru logic, emotion, hearsay, research, first-hand experience…?B. Mindset Rating Survey Analysis1. Do you have a positive, ambivalent, or averse disposition towards critical thinking?V. Conclusion – What did you discover about your worldview?A. Create two critical thinking (skills and/or attitudes) goals you would like to continue developing and strengthening even after this class ends.
: My worldview