
pro death penalty

Paper instructions:

The paper topic must be on the effectiveness of a criminal justice policy, that is, a policy of police, prosecutors, courts, government or non-governmental agency that is intended to reduce crime. Examples of topics include: Super-Max Prisons, Boot-Camp prisons, Drug Courts, Gun Control, Neighborhood Watch, Community Policing, Gang Prevention, Sex Offender Registries, Domestic Violence Policies, Sentencing Juveniles as Adults, Restorative Justice, Three-Strikes Laws. The paper must review and discuss the research findings on this topic, so it is crucial that you find scholarly sources that evaluate the effectiveness of the policy you are researching.

For the paper, but not the proposal, you will need a title page and an abstract page, as well as the body of the paper and the references page. Note that the references page for the final paper should not include your annotations.

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