Professor Steven B. Smith suggests that Hobbes “carried out what Machiavelli had hoped to make possible.” Hobbes made Machiavelli “habitable.” Do you agree that Hobbes’ state is ”habitable” within the context of the seventeenth century?(Please do not write about whether you would like to live in Hobbes’ state. Instead, think about what innovations — or lack thereof if you have a negative view of Hobbes — he offers as a representative of the 17th century.)Two to three double-spaced pages, normal font and margins.Citations and bibliography required, MLA or Chicago.Please read Hobbes ch. 11-20, Hobbes ch. 21-31 from Hobbes, Leviathan. Penguin
Professor Steven B. Smith suggests that Hobbes “carried out what Machiavelli had hoped to make possible.” Hobbes made Machiavelli “habitable.” Do you agree that Hobbes’ state is ”habitable” within the context of the seventeenth century?