
Read the ”Steeling Away” case study and answer How did this impact organizational outcomes, such as success and productivity?

Read the ”Steeling Away” case study and answer the below questions. Submit your answer in this dropbox. Each answer should be @ 1 paragraph. **Note — Ignore the question on the bottom of the Exclesior .pdf. Answer the questions here , instead.**1a. How did the original structure of Excelsior Steel impact communication?1b. How did this impact organizational outcomes, such as success and productivity?2. Which of the organizational structures described in our lesson (in class powerpoints folder) does Excelsior’s new structure resemble? How does this new structure affect communication?3. What other hallmarks of the post-modern organization (as discussed in  class and your reading) do you see present in Exclesior by the end?4. What impact did the changes have on uncertainty in the organization. Was ambiguity increased or decreased? How did this impact employees? What might have been done differently?

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