Topic: response to each questionsOrder DescriptionUse the book:Quinn, R.E., Faerman, S.R. et al. Becoming a Master Manager: A Competing ValuesApproach, 6th edition. Wiley, 2015. (Referred to as “Quinn”)1-Read :Establishing and Maintaining Stability and Continuity (Quinn Module 2 readings, and your own experiences and opinions!)Please post your comments, queries, experiences and provocative ideas around the readings and this topic.As well as,post summary of the module and your opinion according to your position as general practitioner working in clinic.2- Read Improving Productivity and Increasing Profitability (Quinn Module 3 readings, and your own experiences and opinions)Please post your comments, queries, experiences and provocative ideas around the readings and this topic.3-Read Promoting Change and Encouraging Adaptability (Quinn Module 4 readings, and your own experiences and opinions)Please post your comments, queries, experiences and provocative ideas around the readings and this topic.
response to each questions