
Rule of Law and Democracy

Rule of Law and DemocracyPaper details:Complete all of the following three questions. Answers should be in sentence form withappropriate references from course readings and lecture notes. Please do NOT use anyexternal sources to complete this assignment. Note that there is a word count associatedwith each question. Part of the task of this assignment is to stay within this word count.That means that each sentence should be carefully thought through and edited in order tomaximize the amount and quality of information you are communicating to your reader.However, you may be 10% below or above the overall word count without being penalized.YOU MUST FINISH YOUR ANSWER BY INDICATING YOUR WORD COUNT FOR EACHQUESTION. Please do not duplicate material in your answers – demonstrate your breadth ofknowledge. An outline of the evaluation scheme is included in your syllabus (see p. 6).Remember that you are to use the McGill Guide to Legal Citation for your references.Assignment:Drawing on course lectures and assigned readings only, answer ALL of the following questions:1. Outline Canada’s constitutional arrangement. Give a robust and well-supportedexplanation that outlines its historical origins, principles, and key legislation. (300 words)2. What is the liberal idea of the rule of law? Give a robust and well-supported explanationthat outlines its historical origins, principles, Canadian context, and critiques. (300words)3. “A political system must also possess legitimacy, and in our political culture, thatrequires an interaction between the rule of law and the democratic principle… It wouldbe a grave mistake to equate legitimacy with the ‘sovereign will’ of majority rule alone,to the exclusion of other constitutional values” (“Analysis of the ConstitutionalPrinciples”. In: Reference re Secession of Quebec, [1998] 2 S.C.R. 217, 247-263).Drawing on this quote from Reference re Secession of Quebec, write ashort essay arguing whether or not there is adequate interaction betweenthe rule of law and democracy in the decision in Canada (Citizenshipand Immigration) v. Harkat, 2014 SCC 37. Using the Harkat case andany other content from our course as your source material, give a robustand well-supported argument for your answer. In your response be sureto demonstrate your ability to construct a thesis statement and carry outa sustained argument, as well as use appropriate and correct facts fromHarkat with proper referencing. (900 words)

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