
Select a well-known consumer company/product that comes in a box/ bottle/ can/ etc. (like ) to demonstrate the marketing concepts we will study. Y

Your post should be written about the marketing activities of a well-known consumer product, . Select a well-known consumer company/product that comes in a box/ bottle/ can/ etc. (like ) to demonstrate the marketing concepts we will study. You will usually find a great deal of marketing/ business information out there on well-known consumer products to complete your assignments with ease. Focus on the product then tie in the company.Keep in mind the demonstration of the  in your writing are the basis for determining your level of understanding of the concepts and terms studied. Use them! Also, be sure to cite them from your text and other sources for maximum earned points.Write your initial response in a minimum of 200–300 words. Apply a standard business writing style (headers/ sub heads/ bullets) to your work but be sure to cite your work in the APA format.By , submit your response to the appropriate . Use the same  to comment on your classmates’ submissions until .

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