
: Sexual violence and abuse part 2

Topic: Sexual violence and abuse part 2Order DescriptionPLEASE READ VERY CAREFULLY:The proposed research design will be based upon the research question and hypothesis stated in the first Assessment. The study design can be qualitative or quantitative or a mixture of the two.RESEARCH QUESTION: If adolescent sexual offenders are more likely to have a childhood diagnosis of conduct disorder than adult sexual offenders.HYPOTHESIS: The research concludes that adolescent sexual offenders have a much lower chance of re-offending if they are not into more types of crimes (Davidson, 2015).it is also a hypothesis that adolescent sex offenders may have a higher possibility of a childhood diagnosis of a conduct disorder (Morrell & Burton, 2014).You are required to define and describe the key methodological approach, sampling strategy and data collection instrument/s that have been chosen for the proposed research project.?The discussion should specifically include a definition of each of the key elements (ie. research design; sampling strategy; and, data collection instrument/s) and a clear rationale/argument as to why the proposed approaches and strategies have been chosen. This includes:1. Methodological – To what extent will your chosen strategy/method generate accurate and generalisable results that directly address the research question? (e.g. internal and external validity of research design, generalisability of sampling method, validity and reliability of measurement tools)2. Practical – Can your chosen strategy/method be executed within reasonable time and resource constraints?3. Ethical – Are there any possible ethical dilemmas with your chosen strategy/method??In addition you need to examine the ethical considerations for the project and provide a clear plan for completing the research.( under your data collection methods section) should include a ‘…logical and coherent research plan’. Research plans should specify the materials required to carry out a study (e.g. data collection instruments and equipment/facilities for administration) and a time frame for the completion of major tasks (e.g. recruitment of sample, collection of data). The latter can be summarised in what is known as a Gantt chart, which is basically a bar graph that illustrates the length of time different tasks are expected to take.MAX 2500 words. Appendix and references not included in word count. APA 6th edition referencing style.VERY IMPORTANT LINKS BELOW:Link for first assessment is here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/gh4euru2hne7rz1/social_science_Assess1.docx?dl=0Link for detailed structure is here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/mz6582eeq5whe7r/detailed%20structure.docx?dl=0Link for lecture slides is here :https://www.dropbox.com/sh/z0x6rl3sdtws6lp/AACtvdGXCqRjgLhTMWq7HnnAa?dl=0Link of 2 examples is here :https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1yrksx4o0wh39hn/AABGSeplvOXObDKKLAURVcqZa?dl=0NOTE: there is an additional third document that describes the differences with these 2 examples and what is expected for this specific assessment. Please make sure to read it.link for the textbook is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z0ajujlafqp7npz/docslide.us_alan-bryman-social-research-methods-4th-edition-oxford-university-press-2012pdf.pdf?dl=0Additional reference information is here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/d8lhx2nvrilz9e2/reference%20requirements.docx?dl=0Referencing INSTRUCTIONS:You’re required to reference when evaluating each aspect of your study. No direct quotation. Everything is paraphrased.After each sentence and or paragraph where information is cited from a different journal article, include in brackets author and year. Page number may be required and will need to be included but only if one particular page was summarised.Example: Paraphrasing (page numbers may be required):Example:When a student internalises information in order to make connections with their prior learning this points to a qualitatively higher level of engagement (Buckridge & Guest, 2007).If citing a source which has been cited within another journal article document:mention the original source together with the secondary reference details,for example: (Smith, 2008, as cited in Jones, 2010).Only the secondary reference (i.e. Jones, 2010) should be included in the reference list. So the “secondary” reference IS THE Journal article that you’re actually reading then you see another authors name cited in that article journal that you’re reading ( so its classified as the original source ) and needs to be included too in as an in-text reference but not in the reference list.For The reference list, the order for journal articlesAuthor nameYearTitle of journal articleJournal volumeIssue numberPage numbersDoi if none assigned, URL/ web addressExampleBuckridge, M., & Guest, R. (2007). A conversation about pedagogical responses to increased diversity in university classrooms. Higher Education Research & Development, 26(2), 133-146. doi:10.1080/07294360701310771 .Example: Journal Article NO DOIExample:Herington, C., & Weaven, S. (2008). Action research and reflection on student approaches to learning in large first year university classes. Australian Educational Researcher, 35(3), 111-134. Retrieved from http://www.aare.edu.au/aer/about.htmExample for book (one author) in reference list:ExampleFetherston, T. (2007). Becoming an effective teacher. South Melbourne, Australia: Thomson Learning.Example for book (two authors) for in text reference (Bohm & Chaudhri, 2000)in reference list: ExampleBohm, A., & Chaudhri, D. P. (2000). Securing Australia’s future: An analysis of the international education markets in India. Sydney, Australia: IDP Education Australia.Additional reference information is here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/d8lhx2nvrilz9e2/reference%20requirements.docx?dl=0The number of references is based on quality over quantity, possibly between 10-15 references included in the reference list, including the required text book.You do need to go to outside research and INCLUDE academic journal articles in addition, to the required textbook, this is to give a robust evaluation of the selected study design.Include recent, 2000 onwards Academic scholar Journal Articles either Qualitative / Quantitive, Peer Reviewed and or Empirical.I would like the writer to research for all journal articles from library catalogue/ journal article finders listed below only for the entire research paper. Ulrich’s Periodical Directory is a database which provides information about published journals, including status as a scholarly, academic journal. http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com.libraryproxy.griffith.edu.au/ Also below is links to search library catalogue for Peer reviewed journal articles and scholarly journal articles https://www.griffith.edu.au/library http://griffith.summon.serialssolutions.com/advanced#!/advanced Please use Google Scholar to complete some research. https://scholar.google.com.au/List of relevant outputs: for the research topic: Sexual violence and abuse: Journal of Interpersonal Violence Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment Criminal Justice & Behavior Child Abuse & Neglect Violence against Women Violence & Victims Other potential relevant journals: Criminology Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency Crime & Delinquency Justice Quarterly Journal of Criminal Justice Journal of Experimental Criminology British Journal of Criminology European Journal on Criminal Policy and ResearchlessAcademic writing should typically be in third person. I would expect to see ideally the textbook referenced,link for the textbook is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z0ajujlafqp7npz/docslide.us_alan-bryman-social-research-methods-4th-edition-oxford-university-press-2012pdf.pdf?dl=0NOTE: There are a number of extra readings suggested in the Textbook that may be relevant to cite in this assessment.Additionally, the following textbooks could be found to have some useful information worth mentioning:Remember to include an in-text references throughout andthe (book) citation below in the reference list.Adler E. S., & Clark R. (1999). How it’s done: an invitation to social research. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.Bryman A. (2012). Social research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Hagan F. E. (2010). Research methods in criminal justice and criminology. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.Neuman W. L. (1997). Social research methods: qualitative and quantitative approaches. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.Robson C. (2002). Real world research: a resource for social scientists and practitioner-researchers. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.NOTE: (I don’t have a pdf version available for these ( only the textbook with a Dropbox link to it, which will be the most important one to refer to along with additional appropriate journal articles ) please do some further research and find some available online reading versions of these books listed above).A Microsoft Word format for the instructions is here :https://www.dropbox.com/s/ufn4kyezby3gfip/ss%20ass%202%20instruc.docx?dl=0

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