Topic: South Carolina WomenOrder DescriptionThis is an assignment for my final The book that should be use for this assignment is SOUTH CAROLINA WOMEN: Their lives and Times-volume 1 Edited by Marjorie Julian Spriuill, Valinda W. Littlefield and Joan Marie Johnson,2009 by University of Georgia pres. The book that should be used as comparison for this book in order to do the assignment are as follow:PLACE AN INTRODUCTION SECOND EDITION, by Tim Cresswell published in 2015 by Blackwell publishing, Beloved, By Toni Morrison sparknote has the summery of this book, THE UNVANQUISHED BY William Faulkner, sparknote also has the summery for this one and also JOINING PLACES slave neighborhoods in old south by Anthony E. Kaye,2007 the university of North Carolina Press
South Carolina Women