Specify the grade level at which you expect to be teaching, and identify which one of Erikson’s psychosocial stages your students are likely to be in. Discuss the implication of this stage for your own teaching practice, illustrating your discussion with a concrete example of what you might do. Document should be between 750 and 1000 words using APA for style and format. Grade Level – 3rd grade (8-10 year old)Erikson’s psychosocial stage- Industry versus InferiorityTeaching example – While teaching students math, I will support them by providing guidance in the classroom and encouraging parents to provide a supportive environment at home.
Specify the grade level at which you expect to be teaching, and identify which one of Erikson’s psychosocial stages your students are likely to be in. Discuss the implication of this stage for your own teaching practice, illustrating your discussion with a concrete example of what you might do.